Sunday, March 4, 2012

Have any ReUSE Ideas?

Enfamil baby formula now comes in these great plastic tubs with a snapping lid. I've now collected about 6 of them because I'm convinced that I can find some fantastic uses for them. They just seem too functional to be thrown directly into the recycle bin. So far I've used one to collect Trey's stray crayons...Any other ideas?

On the same "baby-supply recycling" wavelength, one of my favorite reuses lately is my diaper boxes (and Mary Kay boxes:D). There seems to be an overabundance of "little things" that need some corralling, but I'm just not willing to pay $100 to get all of the cute bins and storage containers that I would need to tame it all. Sooo, I bought a $5 roll of pretty contact paper at Target, and have covered tons of these boxes. They would certainly do the trick on their own, but the paper just adds a little style and a little more uniformity, so these storage spaces don't look so junkie.

What are some of your favorite Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ideas?


Christina Muro said...

Those look like they would be great for pantry organization (and you could print some cute labels!)... packaged and unpackaged snacks, flour, sugar, cornmeal, even cereal.

The Cville Redgates said...

oooo, great idea, chrissy!