Monday, February 27, 2012

In the works.

wicker basket. footpath. savannah moss. bennington gray. la fonda wild west green.

It's only taken a year and a half to decide what direction to go color-wise in this humble abode, but we're ready to take the plunge. To the next chapter in casual elegance on the Ranch!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Month of Love Fun

The more crafts and art projects Trey does at school, the more I get inspired to do fun things like that at home. I just have to decide that I don't mind cleaning up a big mess, and suddenly it's lots of fun:)
Here is a fun project that Trey and I did that we found on the Martha Stewart Living website. Most of the "kid's" projects that I found seemed pretty advanced, but this was fun. I had to prep it a bit, and be VERY hands on with the iron, but all-in-all it was a fun little project that he was proud to show off to his Papa when he got home from work:)

I prepped some crayon shavings. Then Trey sprinkled them onto one side of a folded piece of wax paper.

I folded up the edges, slipped it between a paper grocery bag, then Trey helped me run a warm iron over it to melt the crayons.

I cut them into various sized hearts, and Trey glued them to some yarn.

And TADA! We have a pretty little "stained glass" decor in our window. Involved, but fun:)