I've always been a pretty huge fan of my birthday. I like to spread it out all month long, often shouting inside out home, "It's Mommy's birthday month! Woohoo!" Every fun little activity gets to be "in honor of" my coming (or just past) birthday. It's just fun, and a brand new start! How I love a brand new start! I was thinking about it, and all of a sudden it dawns on me, all those things that I had wanted to do before turning 30...well, it's now or never, baby! I wanted to get a jump on my "official" list today, so that Day 1 (or 365, if we're doing a count down...yikes, I don't know how I feel about that) wasn't wasted on brainstorming. Though I do love a good brainstorm. Shaun and I often schedule "Dream Sessions", little more specific than a brainstorm, but super fun nonetheless.
So, here goes the list...drum roll please (I'm actually a little nervous typing right now, because I feel like writing this down holds me more accountable, but isn't that the point, Brett? ) ok, so here we go again....drum roll, please...
1. Total God-fidence-- may have to post on this another time, but essentially this means that I no longer think of myself in relation to anyone but myself and who God created ME to be! I want to live excellently so that HE is glorified, and the only way I can live excellently is by living up to who He made Brett to be, not anyone else. How incredibly freeing this will be!
2. Be able to lay my head on the pillow at night knowing that I gave my Father, my marriage, and my babies 100%.
3. See the Aurora Borealis. (haha, just kidding) Although, I'm hoping that God will treat us with a light show like that in Heaven. Gorgeous!
4. Become a more knowledgeable gardener.--vegetable, and new this year, flowers and other landscape enhancers:)
5. Run my household like a fine-tuned machine.--I believe it just takes having some serious organization and prepping systems in place, and the crazy that is our life can be greatly minimized (key word--"minimized". a little bit of crazy is part of the fun;) )
6. Embrace each moment with these two precious boys.--I get teary every time I step back and think about how fast this time goes.
7. Become a Car-Driving, Mary Kay Sales Director.--the Big Goal is to check this bad boy off the list by June 30, so that I can pick up my bonus check in Dallas mid-July!
8. Have a fresh and clean approach to eating.--one that I can get excited about, and more importantly that I can get excited about getting in the kitchen to fix.
9. Reach my goal weight/size.--125 (I'm not even sure that's possible, haha) Size 6 pants. I say size 6 only because I think that is what size my length naturally fits (although, I usually can't get a 6 past my knee caps, so I'm not really sure), so if anyone reading this is like me and DESPISES trying on pants, well, then yeah, you feel my disgust (and let's not even get started on the lighting that they use in dressing rooms! what the world! This seems like retail 101 to me.)
Maybe I'll add more later, once I have time to ponder it some more...or maybe not:)