Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolutions...or not.

Ahh, I love a good New Year's resolution! For the perfectionist in me I love nothing more than a "clean slate", a fresh start. One of my favorite promises from the Lord, "that His mercies are new each morning"--yes! Each new week, a new turn of a page in my "Month-at-a-Glance"...Gets me giddy! But man, a whole new year! What could be a better place to start all those things that I put off every other day. So needless to say, my list of resolutions is usually about a mile long. For the past couple of years, Shaun and I have made lists that consist of our resolutions/goals for the year in all areas of life, spiritual, physical, relational...We'd post the list to keep it in front of us, then without fail, I'd find the list 6 months later stuffed between papers in the office. But at least we wrote it down, right?
Oh, and how I love a good list! Sometimes the need for lists is so great that it demands a "list of lists". So, this year I made a new resolution...No resolutions, just one grand "To Do" List! Weee! I have a feeling this will be a pretty dynamic list, growing as the month goes on, but here's for starters...
*Grow closer to my Lord and Savior and get to know Him more
*Be a better wife
*Be a better mommy
*Fix healthier meals and snacks for my men and myself
*More Fruits and Veggies
*More Water!
*Read 6 books
*Streamline business systems for more productive "work time"
*exercise 3-4 x week
*Run a 5K
*Less daytime TV (blasted 5 hour long Today show!)
*Connect with friends and family more
*Find glitzy sheer drapes for dining room
*Find a few accents for dining room--FINISHING TOUCH--yay!
*Put fabric behind glass on cabinet in office
*New knobs on cabinet in office
*Redo/organize closet
*Let go of clothes I've been hanging onto for who knows why! "Let it go, Brett"
*Transform master bath into a spa escape
*New reading chair for Master
*Finish decor in Trey's room to complete look
*Start a veggie garden
*Organize garage before it gets out of control!
*Pretty much just organize every drawer and closet in house;)

I guess that will do for now. Can't wait to start scratching these babies off!

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